Sunday, November 18, 2007

What if you could have everything - The effects of divorce unedited

One of the effects of divorce I had not foreseen, is that my daughter sleeps with me in the bed. I know, it is bad, but when winter comes and it is cold on the farm, I understand very well that she prefers the big warm bed with me in it, over her own bed. She woke up at 6.30 this morning and started the day by asking me a question.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

How to Lose Weight Quick With Your Coach

I lost another pound yesterday. That makes a total of 4 pounds in two weeks, that s quick enough for me.

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Avocado Calories

Facts about avocado calories: Health benefits, a recipe from a chef, and even weightloss exercise video. lots of info.

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Are Mental Exercises The Best Exercises to Lose Weight?

My argument (and I lost another pound today) is that by mounting a three pronged attack on my weight I stand a better chance of winning through to my target. By eating less, exercising more and developing my self control through my Magic Hats exercises I have strong allies in my war with my waistline.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stages of Grief

"Why did she have to go?" My father-in-law looked distressed, tears were rolling down his cheeks.My late mother-in-law had been very overweight. She died just 3 weeks after her 60th birthday of a heart failure. I found ways to survive the stages of grief, and actually make them work for me...

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Losing Weight Fast

I attribute my success to eating sensibly, doing my Desk Exercises to Lose Weight and to sustaining my willpower by using the free magic-hats personal development program to help with losing weight fast.

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Christmas Kitten Picture

A lovely picture of a ginger Christmas kitten.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How to Get the Willpower to Diet Successfully

I don't believe in shortcuts. Besides when you achieve your weight loss goal as a result of your own efforts you will have achieved something to feel proud of. Feeling proud of yourself is a great feeling.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Avocado Calories on Squidoo

I love Avocado. The Calories do bother me though. Here I give you recipes, bulletproof weightloss tips, figures, and a link to a free weightloss video program.

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Happy With My Exercises To Lose Weight

Now, I am consuming fewer calories and I am doing my Desk Exercises to Lose Weight. Yesterday I also played hard ball tennis for 2 hours. So, why did I put on a pound? And why does this make me feel happy?

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Monday, November 12, 2007

A Swear Word in Heaven

Very sweet story to read to your children on this Christmas time. You ARE reading stories to your children, are you? Get inspiration an new stories here.

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Blackberry with Almonds and Rum

Start making your christmas recipes now. This delicious recipe has to sit for a couple of weeks, and your family and guests will be delighted with the result.

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Exercises To Lose Weight Without Leaving Your Desk

Suspend your disbelief for a moment will you please. I am actually doing this right now. I chronicle everything that is happening to my weight over on my blog at

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Science Diet Dog Food on Squidoo

You treat your dog well, don't you? Well, maybe actually you don't.. If you still feed it commercial dogfood, you are probably feeding it the most terrible stuff, which will make him ill and die earlier then he should. Check this out, free recipe.

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Weight Loss Exercises Succeed

Also I started to do my Lose Weight Desk Exercises and they worked really well. I�ve made a video of these exercises which is posted below so that you can get an idea of what Lose Weight Desk Exercises are all about.

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Friday, November 9, 2007

Calories in Sugar, or the missing link to sustainable weightloss

we have always been missing a vital part, stupid enough. Finally somebody discovered it, and even gives us a hand in finding it, using it and getting over our weightloss problem forever. Free video training available.

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Weight Loss Success on Day One but How Many Calories Burned

The reason I am so confident of success is that I have programmed myself for success using Magic Hats. If you�d like to start in the same way just click this link: lose weight.

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Calories in Sugar

Losing weight is not a problem. Staying on the ideal weight is. Many people start jojo-ing, and each time they gain weight, they become even heavier than earlier on. For the body this is very stressful, and you need to use your "setpoint" to stop this process. With this video training you learn how to use the power of your subconscious mind.

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Calories in Grapes

When you absolutely, positively want to lose weight, and you want the extra pounds to stay away, you will need a revolutionary approach. you know it is like that, you have tried enough, didn't you? You will want help with 1) boosting your willpower, 2) burning extra energy in an easy and fast way, and 3) simple ways to know how much you can eat.

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Calories in Sugar

You want to lose weight, actually... you have lost weight already too many times, and it just comes on faster than you managed to lose it. New approach is needed! Finally here a technique which covers all three fundamental necessities: Willpower, burning calories and reduced intake. Free video training for the time being.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How to Combat The Calories in Beer

Let me tell you a bit about myself and my lifestyle so you can see the cause of my problem and what I did about it.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

How Many Calories in a Pound

cool start to get ready for christmas

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Negative Calorie Foods

The thought behind negative calories is that certain foods could take more energy to digest than they provide in the body. Is it true?

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How Many Calories in a Pound?

It takes 3,500 calories to create one pound of body weight. This applies whether they are food calories coming in, or energy calories going out. Nice to know and next is to calculate how much less calories to eat to lose weight.

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Friday, November 2, 2007

A Fast Way to Lose Weight

Why fast ways to lose weight are important?A report in The Times newspaper today highlights the largest review of links between diet and cancer. The review incorporates more than 7,000 studies. It concludes that: “there is convincing evidence that excess body fat can cause at least six different types of the disease.

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How To Lose Weight Fast on Squidoo

The techniques I will be using will work for anyone and for any sensible amount of weight loss. If you would like to lose weight my diary will show you day-by-day how to lose weight fast and painlessly.

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How to Lose Weight Quick

Why is it important that people learn how to lose weight quick?Because the connection between excess body weight and cancer is now very evident. We can no longer escape from the fact that if you’re overweight you are at a greater risk from certain cancers. read the rest of the story here

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